
Fairytale Part 5 - A Pig and a Cottage

See here for Part 4
“Josh, this next part could be kinda scary… should we warn the kids?”
“I don’t think so, Ben. If they want, they could cover their eyes and wait for the scary part to be over.”
“Um… Josh… if their eyes are covered, how will they know when the scary part’s over?”
“Hmm… maybe they should get their parents.”
“Good thinking.”
“Any time.”

“Rose Red and Snow White!” Khan began in his monstrously very-normal voice. “As employees of an evil system, we have been required to evict you from these premises directly!”

“Oh dear!” Replied Snow White.

“Oh elk!” Replied Rose Red.

“No, their season isn’t for a few months yet.” Yacovarol replied. “But regardless, we are here to see you off! Immediately! Now… can we help you pack?”

The next two days were spent assisting the princesses pack their belongings into condensed suitcases they could easily handle. Dorky, who was on duty the next day, proved most helpful in this situation, advising the princesses on which pieces would create the largest number of matching combinations. The princesses, naturally, were very grateful.

After the rigorous packing, the princesses were escorted to the edge of the forest, where Dorky took his leave.

“Very well, my ladies!” He said, bowing deeply, hat-in-hand, “I wish you a very good vacation! Remember, the cottage is easily traced by following the path; the pig you will find within is most hospitable. I hope you return soon!”

And with that, he departed, whistling “The Old Goose’s Gullet” as he skipped back to the castle. Upon his arrival, he was immediately confronted by the Human Resources Manager, who was in a most vexed state.

“Huntsman!” He snorted, whilst waving the manual in the air. “What is the meaning of this?”

“I haven’t a clue.” Dorky replied. “I’ve never read it myself.”

“Huntsman, you were supposed to kill the princesses, not send them off on a summer vacation.”

“Hmm.” Dorky replied. “Well, my shift is almost over. I will pass the instructions on to my brother. What token does she require to ensure the job is done?”

“Her heart.” The Human Resources manager replied.

And so it was, the next day, Jack set out to carry out the task. However, being the benevolent sort, he intended to fool the queen and bring back the heart of a pig, and he knew just how to do it. Axe in hand, he tramped through the forest to a spot he knew well – the lane of the three cottages: one of straw, another of sticks, and another of brick. He stomped up to the first door and called out:

“Little pig, little pig, let me come in!”

“Not by the – oh, never mind.” Came the reply. “I thought you were a wolf. Please, enter!”

Despite the fact that Jack had not expected the pig to speak, three spare-ribs and two frying pans of bacon later, Jack had retrieved the heart and returned it to the queen. He also informed his brothers that there was now a new, vacant cottage in the forest that they could use as a hunting lodge. Dorky turned very pale.

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