
Trip to Europe - Part 2

 Loches - a town dating back to the 800s with a skyline that will hardly let you forget it. We arrived and it was in the high 60s and clear blue skies. We really could not have asked for better weather. Following are a few pictures with a small explanation for each.

I shall not attempt the French term for this location, though in English, we would call it the governor's mansion.  Adorned with French flags, it was rather impressive.

This is the older, though not necessarily used, cathedral. Though you can't necessarily see it here, it's built in the minaret style (pre gothic) as pointed out by...

Our illustrious tour guides, cousins Chandler (caught at an inopportune time on the historic toilet) Graham (who was also caught unawares in this photo, though in an obviously less awkward environment), who were able to read and translate all the signs, as well as give us a personalized tour of...

La Donjon (which is translated neither as dungeon or Don Juan, but rather, the Keep) which was the principle defense should the area ever be attacked. As it turns out, this region is full of castles due to its proximity to sandstone mines. Following are a few pictures of the keep...

From the second highest platform of the keep

The historic costumes room, which I'm sure I didn't appreciate as much as I should, but the costume director at Fort Vancouver would be most upset if she found out that I'd seen this room and not taken at least one picture... (click on it to view it in a new window at full size)

This picture from the beginning is a view of the old cathedral from the top of the keep.

I'll close with a final though: pray for Josh, as he is beginning to entertain the notion that he can fly...


  1. I would like to take this moment to remind Josh of the Kiwi youtube video that the cousins you are presently staying with showed us many many moons ago. :)

  2. Madsie's face was rather shocked when she read the description of Chandler's picture. :)

  3. Great pics! So fun to see what you doing and WHO you are with!
